PHP QrCode Liblary  2.0
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QRcode Class Reference

Main class to create QR-code. More...

Public Member Functions

 encodeMask (QRinput $input, $mask)
 Encode mask Main function responsible for creating code. More...
 encodeInput (QRinput $input)
 Encode input with mask detection. More...
 encodeString8bit ($string, $version, $level)
 Encode string, forcing 8-bit encoding. More...
 encodeString ($string, $version, $level, $hint, $casesensitive)
 Encode string, using optimal encodings. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static png ($text, $outfile=false, $level=QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size=3, $margin=4, $saveandprint=false)
 Creates PNG image containing QR-Code. More...
static text ($text, $outfile=false, $level=QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size=3, $margin=4)
 Creates text (1's & 0's) containing QR-Code. More...
static raw ($text, $outfile=false, $level=QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size=3, $margin=4)
 Creates Raw Array containing QR-Code. More...
static canvas ($text, $elemId=false, $level=QR_ECLEVEL_L, $width=false, $size=false, $margin=4, $autoInclude=false)
 Creates Html+JS code to draw QR-Code with HTML5 Canvas. More...
static svg ($text, $elemId=false, $outFile=false, $level=QR_ECLEVEL_L, $width=false, $size=false, $margin=4, $compress=false)
 Creates SVG with QR-Code. More...

Public Attributes

 Integer QR code version. Size of QRcode is defined as version. Version is from 1 to 40. Version 1 is 21*21 matrix. And 4 modules increases whenever 1 version increases. So version 40 is 177*177 matrix.
 Integer Width of code table. Because code is square shaped - same as height.
 Array Ready, masked code data.

Static Public Attributes

static $jscanvasincluded = false
 Canvas JS include flag. More...

Detailed Description

Main class to create QR-code.

QR Code symbol is a 2D barcode that can be scanned by handy terminals such as a mobile phone with CCD. The capacity of QR Code is up to 7000 digits or 4000 characters, and has high robustness. This class supports QR Code model 2, described in JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) X0510:2004 or ISO/IEC 18004.

Currently the following features are not supported: ECI and FNC1 mode, Micro QR Code, QR Code model 1, Structured mode.

Class for generating QR-code images, SVG and HTML5 Canvas

Dominik Dzienia

Member Function Documentation

static QRcode::canvas (   $text,
  $elemId = false,
  $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L,
  $width = false,
  $size = false,
  $margin = 4,
  $autoInclude = false 

Creates Html+JS code to draw QR-Code with HTML5 Canvas.

Simple helper function to create QR-Code array with one static call.

String$texttext string to encode
String$elemId(optional) target Canvas tag id attribute, if false Canvas tag with auto id will be created
Integer$level(optional) error correction level QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H
Integer$width(optional) CANVAS element width (sam as height)
Integer$size(optional) pixel size, multiplier for each 'virtual' pixel
Integer$margin(optional) code margin (silent zone) in 'virtual' pixels
Boolean$autoInclude(optional) if true, required qrcanvas.js lib will be included (only once)
String containing JavaScript creating the code, Canvas element (when $elemId is false) and script tag with required lib (when $autoInclude is true and not yet included)
QRcode::encodeInput ( QRinput  $input)

Encode input with mask detection.

Shorthand for encodeMask, without specifing particular, static mask number.

QRinput$inputdata object to be encoded
QRcode::encodeMask ( QRinput  $input,

Encode mask Main function responsible for creating code.

We get empty frame, then fill it with data from input, then select best mask and apply it. If $mask argument is greater than -1 we assume that user want's that specific mask number (ranging form 0-7) to be used. Otherwise (when $mask is -1) mask is detected using algorithm depending of global configuration,

QRinput$inputdata object
Integer$masksugested masking mode
QRcode $this (current instance)
QRcode::encodeString (   $string,

Encode string, using optimal encodings.

Encode string dynamically adjusting encoding for subsections of string to minimize resulting code size. For complex string it will split string into subsections: Numerical, Alphanumerical or 8-bit.

String$stringinput string
Integer$versioncode version (size of code area)
String$levelECC level (see: Global Constants -> Levels of Error Correction)
Integer$hintQR_MODE_8 or QR_MODE_KANJI, Because Kanji encoding is kind of 8 bit encoding we need to hint encoder to use Kanji mode explicite. (otherwise it may try to encode it as plain 8 bit stream)
Boolean$casesensitivehint if given string is case-sensitive, because if not - encoder may use optimal QR_MODE_AN instead of QR_MODE_8
QRcode $this (current instance)
QRcode::encodeString8bit (   $string,

Encode string, forcing 8-bit encoding.

String$stringinput string
Integer$versioncode version (size of code area)
Integer$levelECC level (see: Global Constants -> Levels of Error Correction)
QRcode $this (current instance)
static QRcode::png (   $text,
  $outfile = false,
  $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L,
  $size = 3,
  $margin = 4,
  $saveandprint = false 

Creates PNG image containing QR-Code.

Simple helper function to create QR-Code Png image with one static call.

String$texttext string to encode
String$outfile(optional) output file name, if false outputs to browser with required headers
Integer$level(optional) error correction level QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H
Integer$size(optional) pixel size, multiplier for each 'virtual' pixel
Integer$margin(optional) code margin (silent zone) in 'virtual' pixels
Boolean$saveandprint(optional) if true code is outputed to browser and saved to file, otherwise only saved to file. It is effective only if $outfile is specified.
static QRcode::raw (   $text,
  $outfile = false,
  $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L,
  $size = 3,
  $margin = 4 

Creates Raw Array containing QR-Code.

Simple helper function to create QR-Code array with one static call.

String$texttext string to encode
Boolean$outfile(optional) not used, shuold be false
Integer$level(optional) error correction level QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H
Integer$size(optional) pixel size, multiplier for each 'virtual' pixel
Integer$margin(optional) code margin (silent zone) in 'virtual' pixels
Array containing Raw QR code
static QRcode::svg (   $text,
  $elemId = false,
  $outFile = false,
  $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L,
  $width = false,
  $size = false,
  $margin = 4,
  $compress = false 

Creates SVG with QR-Code.

Simple helper function to create QR-Code SVG with one static call.

String$texttext string to encode
Boolean$elemId(optional) target SVG tag id attribute, if false SVG tag with auto id will be created
String$outfile(optional) output file name, when false file is not saved
Integer$level(optional) error correction level QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H
Integer$width(optional) SVG element width (sam as height)
Integer$size(optional) pixel size, multiplier for each 'virtual' pixel
Integer$margin(optional) code margin (silent zone) in 'virtual' pixels
Boolean$compress(optional) if true, compressed SVGZ (instead plaintext SVG) is saved to file
String containing SVG tag
static QRcode::text (   $text,
  $outfile = false,
  $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L,
  $size = 3,
  $margin = 4 

Creates text (1's & 0's) containing QR-Code.

Simple helper function to create QR-Code text with one static call.

String$texttext string to encode
String$outfile(optional) output file name, when false file is not saved
Integer$level(optional) error correction level QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H
Integer$size(optional) pixel size, multiplier for each 'virtual' pixel
Integer$margin(optional) code margin (silent zone) in 'virtual' pixels
Array containing line of code with 1 and 0 for every code line

Member Data Documentation

QRcode::$jscanvasincluded = false

Canvas JS include flag.

If canvas js support library was included, we remember it static in QRcode. (because file should be included only once)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: