// how to save PNG codes to server
$codeContents = 'This Goes From File';
// we need to generate filename somehow,
// with md5 or with database ID used to obtains $codeContents...
$fileName = '005_file_'.md5($codeContents).'.png';
$pngAbsoluteFilePath = $tempDir.$fileName;
$urlRelativeFilePath = EXAMPLE_TMP_URLRELPATH.$fileName;
// generating
if (!file_exists($pngAbsoluteFilePath)) {
QRcode::png($codeContents, $pngAbsoluteFilePath);
echo 'File generated!';
echo '<hr />';
} else {
echo 'File already generated! We can use this cached file to speed up site on common codes!';
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Server PNG File: '.$pngAbsoluteFilePath;
echo '<hr />';
// displaying
echo '<img src="'.$urlRelativeFilePath.'" />';